
Color Wings Preschool’s mission is to provide high-quality, equitable, and well-rounded educational programs for diverse groups of children and their families. We provide an inclusive, sustainable, and safe environment for children to develop their skills to prepare them for further schooling.

Our Curriculum

Color Wings Preschool will draw on the values and approaches of Reggio Emelia, Montessori, and emergent curriculum. This approach requires teachers to thoughtfully attend to the interests of children, believing that student-driven curiosity and reflection strengthen the capacity of students to be life-long learners. We will be using the Creative Curriculum as our main source to help with the lesson plans and TSG (Teaching Strategies Gold) to document the children’s learning progress and assessment. 

Color Wings Preschool Teachers

Our teachers are qualified, trained, and selected to work with children and families from diverse backgrounds and cultures.

Community Engagement

In Color Wings Preschool we encourage the community and families to visit our program. We are happy to partner with Preschool for All and MESO to expand our services to families.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

