Students progress..

Student Assessments

Color Wings Preschool screens all children using the Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ) screening tool, within 45 days of entering school and again on an bi-annual basis. The ASQ helps teachers to notice when specialized assessments might be needed. We will also use Teaching Strategies Gold assessment tool to assess our preschoolers at the beginning, middle, and end of the school year. This tool provides a detailed assessment of: 

  • Social-emotional development 

  • Physical development 

  • Language development 

  • Cognitive development 

  • Literacy

  • Mathematics skills 

Assessments are completed by the teachers in the classroom where students feel most comfortable. We are careful to interpret these assessments with understanding of culture and language that may influence the outcome. 

Assessments remain confidential and are stored in a locked file cabinet, and/or secure computer files. A copy remains in the students file and is shared with parents at fall and spring conferences. 

In addition to regular student assessments, staff will participate in developing individual educational plans for specific students and work with parents to implement the plan. If the need for additional assessments and/or resources is identified, staff will assist in making referrals and collaborating with appropriate healthcare, learning and community supports.